
This web site contains details of churches and missions in the Tunbridge Wells area, together with news of church related events and activities.

It is maintained by Churches for Tunbridge Wells for the benefit of all Christian groups, and is affiliated to Churches Together in Kent and also to Churches Together in England.


If you have any news or details of upcoming events which you would like to see added to this site please contact us.

Welcome to the Churches for Tunbridge Wells Website.

Please see the March 2024 issue of the CfTW e-letter.

Please do take the time to read it through and pass on relevant information to people in your congregation or network.

The purpose of this monthly e-letter is to keep us connected with information, recognising what others are doing, upholding them in prayer and rejoicing with one another as we see God move and work in and through our town.

If you would like to receive the monthly e-letter directly please let Cliff Allen know at